During this time many organization tend to minimize expenses, optimize resources. In worst case a few employees are fired therefore should be careful with delegating tasks to other employees. Of course there was a time when the quality did not fallow wages, wages were high because there were not enough people who would be ready to work, but the profit of their work was low.
How to evaluate, how much work is enough for one person? Delegating tasks to other employees should be very careful with what to delegate to each person.
First, work can be disturbed if there are many new tasks which he/she didn’t do before.
Secondly, when a person was hired he was willing to do the tasks he was applying to. He knew that he is good at doing it. But now receiving extra assignments could affect work result badly.
Finally, it would be necessary to sit down and talk with an employee which tasks he would like to do. Somebody is better in organizing events, one is better in calculations. Somebody is better in work with clients; one cannot stand to work with clients.
For organizing a work in a company these things should consider. Otherwise the quality can decrease and the overall atmosphere between colleagues can be affected.
svētdiena, 2009. gada 29. marts
otrdiena, 2009. gada 10. marts
How to motive employees when wages should cut and some of colleagues are laidoff?
People at the company or government institution are left with negative emotions. People do not trust organization; they think employer is not good enough to lead the business. People do not feel security and thinks-why I should work if I could be the next person who will be fired.
I randomly found and article which suggest three things which need to be considered. First of all, it stated that a clear communication with employees about company’s future plans is needed. But, how to communicate the situation in government institution when wages will be cut by 35% as it was at the beginning of the year? There should be a good explanation about the necessity to cut the wages and how the cut will positively affect the situation in a country. Many understand that cutting wages is not a stimulation of economics.
Secondly, there was mentioned in short the idea that manager should show empathy and understanding to employees who are in the organization. Yes, considering an experience, a pushing of very positive thinking at the beginning does not have an expected influence on the overall situation. First people should feel a support and understanding but after that they will turn easier to positive attitude.
Finally, all duties should be divided fairly and new leaders should be noticed in a company and necessary specially trained if necessary. Managers and heads of department should evaluate each person very seriously. It is important that everybody overtake receive duties in amount it is possible to handle and most importantly could be done successfully. Also, it is not a good idea to choose a leaders, top managers or a heart of the colleagues, would be better to take some time and to see how everybody is doing and maybe leadership talents arose which everybody accept.
These are only a few suggestions, but in a top of them in my opinion there should be a clear communication in all levels of management and institutions.
I randomly found and article which suggest three things which need to be considered. First of all, it stated that a clear communication with employees about company’s future plans is needed. But, how to communicate the situation in government institution when wages will be cut by 35% as it was at the beginning of the year? There should be a good explanation about the necessity to cut the wages and how the cut will positively affect the situation in a country. Many understand that cutting wages is not a stimulation of economics.
Secondly, there was mentioned in short the idea that manager should show empathy and understanding to employees who are in the organization. Yes, considering an experience, a pushing of very positive thinking at the beginning does not have an expected influence on the overall situation. First people should feel a support and understanding but after that they will turn easier to positive attitude.
Finally, all duties should be divided fairly and new leaders should be noticed in a company and necessary specially trained if necessary. Managers and heads of department should evaluate each person very seriously. It is important that everybody overtake receive duties in amount it is possible to handle and most importantly could be done successfully. Also, it is not a good idea to choose a leaders, top managers or a heart of the colleagues, would be better to take some time and to see how everybody is doing and maybe leadership talents arose which everybody accept.
These are only a few suggestions, but in a top of them in my opinion there should be a clear communication in all levels of management and institutions.
trešdiena, 2009. gada 4. marts
business buddy
It seems that people are grown up with very low self-confidence. We have heard that it is not good to show you are successful, somebody could be jealous and put bad luck on you. You need to be modest, shy etc, but not this time. Better would be to know what their goal is and to get organized.
It is understandable that it is hard to achieve goals doing it by themselves, people have tendency to look for interest groups, talk to friend who have common interests. What would be the best way how to go for the goal? Probably the way of doing it is very individual, but should try to discover it. There are many of my friends who have achieved good results in business together when there is a common goal. Maybe in a companies would be good to make business buddies, when one day you are tired of clients and go off road there are your buddy who will remind it for you? Something similar for gyms when people find buddies, so then one would pull another if laziness of going to gym arrives.
Of course a good beginning of a good plan is to have a plan and to share it with somebody. Also, top management should communicate company’s goals to sales people. Because after that sales person would have better view how to set their own goal. At the end result will be.
It is understandable that it is hard to achieve goals doing it by themselves, people have tendency to look for interest groups, talk to friend who have common interests. What would be the best way how to go for the goal? Probably the way of doing it is very individual, but should try to discover it. There are many of my friends who have achieved good results in business together when there is a common goal. Maybe in a companies would be good to make business buddies, when one day you are tired of clients and go off road there are your buddy who will remind it for you? Something similar for gyms when people find buddies, so then one would pull another if laziness of going to gym arrives.
Of course a good beginning of a good plan is to have a plan and to share it with somebody. Also, top management should communicate company’s goals to sales people. Because after that sales person would have better view how to set their own goal. At the end result will be.
Ziņas (Atom)