In the economical situation when many factories are closed in Latvia, engineers are left without work. Also, there is no news that factories are planned to build or open. Only Investment and Development Agency of Latvia is trying to make a contract with Coca Cola to start their product production in Latvia.
How deep the crisis in industry sector will go? According to people who lose their work and do not have a place to work in their profession it could be at least 10 year long problem. First, engineers will loose their skills; second international companies have increasing interest in engineers living in Latvia. Offering good salaries and comfortable life they try to find people who would be ready to leave Latvia for life in another country. And we do not need to judge the people who leave Latvia, they have families, they feel responsible for them. Therefore, we should expect one more serious “brain” drain from Latvia very soon.
Is there good plan for developing industry and export in Latvia, or it is not the role of us in European Union to be a part of industry? Maybe the aim for Latvia is to be tourism and beautiful landscape country? Probably it is the reason why almost nothing is happening with production industry in Latvia.
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